Keep Your Eyes on the Gold

Never take your eyes off the prize. Once you do you start to lose the momentum you’ve built up thus far. In my last post, I was talking about having a goal and picking it at day by day until you get it. Here, I wanted to talk about keeping yourself grounded and motivated on the goal you wish to achieve. So keep on dear pirate, its right out of your grasp.

One tip I have is to have a vision board. Having a vision board is such a strong thing to start with. Have your children make theirs, your husband, and yourself. Or even better make a family vision vision board. Take cut outs from magazines, print out quotes or pictures online, and pull creative images from books. I have one myself. My family puts these together with things we desire. My husband even wrote a check of a hundred thousand dollars. I put up my dream car, a white range rover. My daughter wants us to have twins so there is a picture of random twins. This board should be displayed where you can see it everyday. Look at and really imagine these items, words, or quotes to be reality in your life right now. And watch how sooner or later your vision board starts to come true.

Vision Board Example 1

You also have to change your mindset. Start acting like this is real in your life right now. If you wished to be a millionaire, (well who doesn’t, right?) you have to start acting like it. And I don’t mean go out and start spending money you don’t have, I mean change your whole demeanor. Start believing you are and not just wishing. Maybe start by changing how you look at yourself, change how you take care of yourself, change how you present yourself in public. Do small changes and they will make a tremendous difference in time. You’ll thank me later.

Vision Board Example 2

So get your family ready for your future and start flooding your vision board with some incredible images. What do you have on your vision board. Any specific words? What about quotes from anyone famous? I’d love to see your vision boards, post them in the comments! And remember to keep your eyes on the gold! You’ll do just fine.


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