All About Pirate Mom

Aye there matey! Welcome to Pirate Mom’s Blog. Me and me crew is from a small little island in the Pacific Ocean. Oahu, Hawaii is what we call it here. There’s much to explore and to learn on Oahu and especially from one another. Join us as we uncover treasure everyday, learn exciting new things, and speak about the sun and the stars!

Coming out of character and la la land … Hi! My name is Christa, and I have one extra cooky, super weird, really out of this world child, named Alexiis. (Yes, that’s no typo, its spelt with two “I’s.” ) We also live with my amazing boyfriend, Michael. Our day to day, is different from the masses. We live in a different light and dance to different beat that the ordinary Joes (or Marys!) We are a small and simple family. But there is something that makes us and every family special. We keep our family tight, we keep it right, and we are never afraid to fight! I’m not saying we are fighters or anything…but you get the point, right?

I hope you enjoy reading about Pirate Mom and all of her life’s adventures.